Mastering Professional Networking as an Expat in the UAE: 5 Tried-and-True Strategies

Embarking on a professional journey in a foreign land, especially the UAE, presents both excitement and challenges. In a cosmopolitan environment where expatriates make up 87 percent of the workforce, building a robust professional network is not just beneficial but crucial. John Martin St. Valery, Founding Partner of The Links Group, underscores the importance of overcoming cultural barriers through networking to establish lasting relationships in a market fueled by personal connections and trust.

1. Initiate Your Networking Online:

LinkedIn Launchpad: Kickstart your networking journey on LinkedIn, a pivotal platform for connecting with peers and industry professionals.

Explore Beyond LinkedIn: As suggested by Minu Chawla, Community Manager at Impact Hub Dubai, broaden your online presence to platforms like Instagram. Utilize dedicated expatriate platforms such as InterNations and MeetUp, especially beneficial for newcomers.

Proactive Virtual Engagement: Actively engage in online communities, participate in events, and contribute to discussions to expand your virtual network.

2. Leverage Alumni and Associations:

Cultural Commonality: Harness the power of university alumni groups and professional associations to find common ground with fellow expatriates who share your educational background.

Specialized Networks: Explore niche groups like the International Dual Career Network, recommended by Chawla, fostering connections based on shared experiences.

Industry-Specific Bonds: Baiju Kurieash, MD and CEO of BUZ Management and Marketing Consultancy, highlights the significance of industry-specific associations. He shares positive experiences with the Middle East Public Relations Association.

3. Active Participation in Networking Events:

Embassy and Business Groups: Attend networking events organized by embassies and professional business groups such as the International Business Women’s Group to connect with like-minded professionals.

Membership Opportunities: Consider joining these groups for nominal fees to access valuable networking opportunities. Alternatively, non-member attendance, albeit slightly costlier, provides an alternative.

4. Engage in Entrepreneurial Circles:

Government-Backed Initiatives: Leverage the UAE’s pro-entrepreneurship stance by joining innovation centers like The Impact Hub Dubai and In5, fostering connections within the startup ecosystem.

Entrepreneurial Organizations: As recommended by St. Valery, explore memberships in the Entrepreneurs Organization and CEO Clubs Network for a broader entrepreneurial network.

Industry-Specific Hubs: For creative industries, delve into networks like Make Business Hub or Shelter, and actively participate in SME 100 events initiated by Dubai’s Department of Economic Development.

5. Cultural Sensitivity and Professional Etiquette:

Cultural Awareness: Embrace the fusion of Eastern and Western cultures in the UAE by dressing modestly and acknowledging the role of religion in cultural interactions.

Respectful Gestures: Practice courtesy by being mindful of Islamic customs, refraining from offering a handshake to a Muslim of the opposite sex unless initiated by them.

Embrace Hospitality: Embody Arab values of courtesy and hospitality by graciously accepting offered food and beverages. Prioritize building personal relationships before transitioning to business matters.

By implementing these strategies, expatriates can seamlessly navigate the diverse cultural landscape of the UAE, fostering meaningful connections that extend beyond professional boundaries. Networking, in this context, becomes not only a tool for career advancement but also an avenue for embracing the unique charm of a progressive yet tradition-rooted environment.